A handful of us came and watch a movie. Yeah, no charges were imposed upon us, and we thank God for this privilege! =P
We gathered in a room with a projector, and speakers! =] We had what we needed, a projector and a laptop, PLUS
some snacks to entertain us through that time...
Eventhough some of our members are going to have their trial exams, yet 2 of our CG members still came! :)
Confession time. We watched "The Confession of a Shopaholic" after brisking through the CDs brought by Alliyza.
Want to thank Joshua for the compromise, for the sacrifice of watching along with us, since it is more of a GIRLS movie.
The rest of the guys didn't have problem, thankfully. :)
The smooth 1 and 1/2 hours went past swiftly; and we went off "satisfied". We had a prayer session before we left.
All the best to Wilson who will be sitting for a driving test on Tues! You know, LOOK LEFT AND RIGHT! =)
PANDU CERMAT JIWA SELAMAT! =P And to Chris, Joshua, Esther, Pei Shan, Su Mei, Jeanette; best wishes for the SPM trials!
No wishy washy work, remember! ;) TAKE CARE AND GOD BLESS.
PS. Announcement! Next week, there will be our normal Super Saturday, ZC, 2-4 pm. Wait, I'm updating too early.
Nonetheless, have a good look-out for the updates next week! :) Have a good week ahead...