Sunday, 30 August 2009

CG Outing at DC! :)

A handful of us came and watch a movie. Yeah, no charges were imposed upon us, and we thank God for this privilege! =P
We gathered in a room with a projector, and speakers! =] We had what we needed, a projector and a laptop, PLUS
some snacks to entertain us through that time...

Eventhough some of our members are going to have their trial exams, yet 2 of our CG members still came! :)
Confession time. We watched "The Confession of a Shopaholic" after brisking through the CDs brought by Alliyza.
Want to thank Joshua for the compromise, for the sacrifice of watching along with us, since it is more of a GIRLS movie.
The rest of the guys didn't have problem, thankfully. :)

The smooth 1 and 1/2 hours went past swiftly; and we went off "satisfied". We had a prayer session before we left.
All the best to Wilson who will be sitting for a driving test on Tues! You know, LOOK LEFT AND RIGHT! =)
PANDU CERMAT JIWA SELAMAT! =P And to Chris, Joshua, Esther, Pei Shan, Su Mei, Jeanette; best wishes for the SPM trials!
No wishy washy work, remember! ;) TAKE CARE AND GOD BLESS.

PS. Announcement! Next week, there will be our normal Super Saturday, ZC, 2-4 pm. Wait, I'm updating too early.
Nonetheless, have a good look-out for the updates next week! :) Have a good week ahead...


Monday, 24 August 2009

Finding Your Fit

Hey! :)

Last Saturday, we had an awesome time at ZC! :)
Our guest speaker, Pastor Soo Seng Fei shared an interesting message on Finding Your Fit, as well as took us through the four personality types, DISC.

DISC is an acronym for:


All of us are made up of all four personality types, but in different intensities.

Here are some of the characteristics of the different personalities.


If you are a D personality type, you are concerned about RESULTS..

  • You enjoy solving problems, getting things done, and achieving goals.
  • You want to be in charge. (You dislike being told what to do.
  • You set high standards for performance (your own and other people's).
  • You trust your ability to produce results.
  • You enjoy challenges and competition.
  • You are willing to take risks, challenge the status quo, and break the rules.
  • You make decisions quickly.
  • You are impatient with people who "waste time" by talking or planning, who you think are incompetent, or who resist change.
  • You don't mind telling people they're wrong. You value "telling it like it is." You can be blunt.
  • You bore easily.
  • You get angry quickly (and you get over it quickly).


If you are an I personality type, you are concerned about COMMUNICATION and PEOPLE.

  • You are optimistic, charming, and outgoing.
  • You are a "people person."
  • You genuinely like people, and you want them to like you.
  • You trust people and enjoy bringing out their best.
  • You are a consummate communicator. You enjoy telling stories and you tend to exaggerate.
  • You enjoy meeting new people, working with others, and networking.
  • You tend to ignore the rules (since you don't think they really apply to you).
  • You are energized by working with people and you energize any group you work with.
  • You see the "big picture" and you can be inspirational.
  • You dislike details and you can be scattered.


If you are an S personality type, your are concerned about RELATIONSHIPS and PROCESS...

  • You are loyal.
  • You are sympathetic, friendly, and supportive.
  • You are a good listener and a team player.
  • Your goal is to help people.
  • You respect the way things have always been done, and you are slow to change.
  • You work hard — often behind the scenes — at creating a stable, harmonious environment.
  • You dislike conflict and sudden change.
  • You are patient. You stick with a project from beginning to completion.
  • You believe that the environment is favorable, but that you lack the ability to affect it.


If you are a C personality type you are concerned about QUALITY and ACCURACY.

  • You want to be right.
  • You research every aspect of a situation and consider every eventuality before making a decision.
  • You value your reputation for being accurate and logical.
  • You like systems and procedures that produce predictable and consistent outcomes.
  • You look for what could go wrong.
  • You read the fine print. You are a stickler for detail.
  • You prefer to work alone.
  • You have very high standards, especially for yourself. You can be a perfectionist.

We had a great time! :)
See you guys next week for our CG outing! :)


Saturday, 15 August 2009

Super Sat - The Antioch's Church

Today, we got to see Daryll again; He's back from Cambodia! Welcome back! :)
Michelle requests you to blog about your experiences there!
Cannot remember everything you've said.

Basically, his trip was from the 6th till 14th August. The team, which consisted of youths ages 18 and above, went for home-visiting, youth camp, outreaches in church, and eating... For Daryll, it was more like a holiday! =P But it was his 4th experience to the missions field... Seeing the simplicity of the ppl there is heart-warming rite?

We bombarded him with questions after he shared! Thankfully, he answered all of them from his heart. I'm glad he shared about missions when we talked about missions. the key word is "Missions". Okay, today, we combined with 4 other CGs and Jehanne spoke to us about the "Antioch Church" ^^

So what about the Antioch Church? It is one of the great churches that serves as a model and examples for us. It is located 480 km north of Jerusalem. Nice fact, its aka the "First City of the East". It's a multicultural and multiracial city. The church helps to break down every wall of division and racism is broken down.

What made it so powerful?
1.It had spiritual hunger for God.
2.It majored in discipleship.
3.A disciple is a thoroughly trained worker with a great attitude. "Little Christ".
4.It worked as a TEAM (Together Everyone Achieve More)
5.It poured love and care upon the missionaries.
[Cf: Acts 13:1-4, 11:25-26, 14:27-28]

What is "Missions"?
Missions is God sending the whole church with the whole gospel to the whole world to meet the spiritual and social needs of humanity.

Why is Missions So Important in the Kingdom of God?
[The purpose] -for world missions
1. Jesus dying on the cross... [John 3:16]
2. Being a child of God...[Gen 1:28]
3. Your calling! [Phil 3:17[
4. Pentecost! [Acts 1:8]
5. The Church [Matt 28:19-20] - The Great Commission

Four things in the upper passage to the Church:
> It has been empowered with all authority of Jesus to do world missions.
> It is supposed to go into every nation
> It is to "make disciples of all the nations"
> It is promised Jesus' presence at all times.

6. Prosperity... [Deut 8:18]
7. Jesus delaying His 2nd coming... [Matt 24:14]

Hope you all are blessed and have learnt something this week.
Come back for a "Fasting and Prayer Session" next week!

Thursday, 13 August 2009


Hey! :)

We've just started the 3rd book of DBS (Discipleship Bible Study) called Victorious Living and this week, we'll be continuing with the second chapter on the Antioch Church. Since Daryll will only be returning from Cambodia on Friday night, we will be combining with other CGs for DBS this week.

Date: 15 August 2009 (Saturday)
Time: 2-4pm
Place: Room EHOP

You can get to EHOP by taking the stairs near the Dream Cafe/Sports Centre. There are lots of signs leading you in the right direction :)
(For those of you who were around, EHOP was the room we met in when we combined with DJ.)

Let's also remember to keep Daryll and the team in prayer, kay? :)

Hope to see you this Saturday!

God Bless.


Sunday, 9 August 2009

Super Sat - The Jerusalem Church

Since our leader showed his bravery by stepping out of Malaysia and heading to Cambodia, we had a combined CG meeting with PCG1. Daryll, we will always keep you in prayer! Basically,we are cheering you on to do the work of the LORD! Pls tell us more when you come back next week! I'm sure you will.... ;)
Anyway, I shall not further divert or go off topic because I want to talk about what we learnt! Officially, we started our Discipleship Bible Study for year 2009 on 8th Aug '09. We are in the 3rd book now, which is Victorious Living (to inform those who didn't come that day). We still have 2 more books left, way to go!These are the "knowledge" we obtained, as Jamie Ang taught us :) Just a summary!
What happened at the Jerusalem church?

Home cell group
Authority of the Bible
Vibrant prayer and praise
Supernatural power ministries
Tithing and offering[HARVEST acronym]
Learnt anything? Interesting right? Well, quantity always follow quality! 2 factors to take note of"

-The Jerusalem Church grew so much that in 30 years, historians say that it grew to 100 000 members, when there's only 200 000 ppl in Jerusalem.[1/2 the population in that city were members of one church!]
-Every Christian must develop an unshakeable conviction about church growth.
Why must our church never stop growing? [Reasons, because...]

1. God loves ppl <3>
2. God commands us to reach out [Luke 14:23, Acts 1:8]
3. The needs of the ppl demands it [2 Corinthians 5:14]
4. Growth is God's will [Colossians 2:19]

Five Unbiblical Excuses for Not Growing

1. "God isn't interested in numbers"- If it isn't so, what for he used Moses to write the book of Numbers? Come to think about it! That's the Old Testament! In the New Testament, Jesus wouldn`t have counted the sheeps ifHe weren`t interested in numbers. He keeps track of the salvation of the whole world, so what do you think?
2. "What our church wants is quality, not quantity"Well there should be a balance I think!
3. "Large churches are impersonal"
4. "But all God expects of me is faithfulness"In God's kingdom, you demonstrate your faithfulness through your fruitfulness [Mark 11:12-14]
5. "Large churches are shallow and lack commitment"- Nope, that's not true! It's a myth!! A large church needs supportive ppl to take their places in serving Him wholeheartedly!! For instance, DUMC offers at least 30 ministries for us tochoose to serve in. Indeed, we need to be committed to serve and use our talents ^^

The Primary Essence of Christianity- Loving God wholeheartedly, and loving people fervently! [ Romans 5:8]- Soul winning is the primary purpose of God + Passionate in soul-winning! [does that sound familiar to you?] That's one of the 6 marks of a New Generation. Therefore, I encourage you to exert your vibrant passion to win souls!![Acts 1:8]

When will the miracle stop? [2 Kings 4: 1-6]Find a hurt and heal it, Look for a need and meet it!Hope you will take into your heart all you've learnt and apply it in your lives!

PS. Next week we will learn about the Antioch Chuch, and Alliyza, pls help to write in the blog next week! =) cool` thanks alot!!Come and find out more!


Super Sat - The Jerusalem Church

Since our leader showed his bravery by stepping out of Malaysia and heading to Cambodia, we had a combined CG meeting with PCG1. Daryll, we will always keep you in prayer! Basically,we are cheering you on to do the work of the LORD! Pls tell us more when you come back next week! I'm sure you will.... ;)
Anyway, I shall not further divert or go off topic because I want to talk about what we learnt! Officially, we started our Discipleship Bible Study for year 2009 on 8th Aug '09. We are in the 3rd book now, which is Victorious Living (to inform those who didn't come that day). We still have 2 more books left, way to go!These are the "knowledge" we obtained, as Jamie Ang taught us :) Just a summary!
What happened at the Jerusalem church?

Home cell group
Authority of the Bible
Vibrant prayer and praise
Supernatural power ministries
Tithing and offering[HARVEST acronym]
Learnt anything? Interesting right? Well, quantity always follow quality! 2 factors to take note of"

-The Jerusalem Church grew so much that in 30 years, historians say that it grew to 100 000 members, when there's only 200 000 ppl in Jerusalem.[1/2 the population in that city were members of one church!]
-Every Christian must develop an unshakeable conviction about church growth.
Why must our church never stop growing? [Reasons, because...]

1. God loves ppl <3>
2. God commands us to reach out [Luke 14:23, Acts 1:8]
3. The needs of the ppl demands it [2 Corinthians 5:14]
4. Growth is God's will [Colossians 2:19]

Five Unbiblical Excuses for Not Growing

1. "God isn't interested in numbers"- If it isn't so, what for he used Moses to write the book of Numbers? Come to think about it! That's the Old Testament! In the New Testament, Jesus wouldn`t have counted the sheeps ifHe weren`t interested in numbers. He keeps track of the salvation of the whole world, so what do you think?
2. "What our church wants is quality, not quantity"Well there should be a balance I think!
3. "Large churches are impersonal"
4. "But all God expects of me is faithfulness"In God's kingdom, you demonstrate your faithfulness through your fruitfulness [Mark 11:12-14]
5. "Large churches are shallow and lack commitment"- Nope, that's not true! It's a myth!! A large church needs supportive ppl to take their places in serving Him wholeheartedly!! For instance, DUMC offers at least 30 ministries for us tochoose to serve in. Indeed, we need to be committed to serve and use our talents ^^

The Primary Essence of Christianity- Loving God wholeheartedly, and loving people fervently! [ Romans 5:8]- Soul winning is the primary purpose of God + Passionate in soul-winning! [does that sound familiar to you?] That's one of the 6 marks of a New Generation. Therefore, I encourage you to exert your vibrant passion to win souls!![Acts 1:8]

When will the miracle stop? [2 Kings 4: 1-6]Find a hurt and heal it, Look for a need and meet it!Hope you will take into your heart all you've learnt and apply it in your lives!

PS. Next week we will learn about the Antioch Chuch, and Alliyza, pls help to write in the blog next week! =) cool` thanks alot!!Come and find out more!


Monday, 3 August 2009

LOUD! 2009

Hey! LOUD 09 was awesome, wasn't it? :)

Here are some pictures and videos of LOUD! 2009.

Indie bands in the sports centre

Our amazing tattoo and hairspray booth! :)

Counting down to LOUD!

Junkyard Invaders!

The cheer team!

Real Ink Crew! :)

Project Gsus!

The crowd!

Thank you guys so much for making LOUD! 09 a success! :)
Can't wait for LOUD! 2010 :)
