Saturday, 22 May 2010

DBS Lesson 4: Repentance From Dead Works [Part B]

Back to DBS! =)
This is Daryll's illustration on repentance.

REPENTANCE is like a door! =)

FAITH is like a living room! =)

True REPENTANCE must always come before true FAITH. You must OPEN the door first before you ENTER into the living room. =]

Luke 15:7 - Heaven rejoices over ONE sinner who REPENTS. Therefore...REPENTANCE is important! Let's zoom in to the details now... =D


NOT THIS... The fruits of repentance are all ABSTRACT NOUNS. =D

Let's move on to the words that start with C.

Three things that lead to conviction are Conscience, God's Word & the Holy Spirit.

Read Psalm 51 - it is a penitential Psalm.
Remember godly sorrow? that is what contrition is about.

"Holding on to unconfessed sins in the soul is like keeping bullets in the body."

You can CONFESS your sins to GOD, to one another & publicly, depending on the situation.

If you're genuinely converted, these are the practical expressions that will be evident in your lives.

a) Forsaking
b) Restitution: Paying back
c) Reconciliation: Being reunited
d) Demonstration of good works! [Eph 2:10]
e) Serving GOD with all your heart.


Let's take in slowly what we've learnt yesterday. =D


Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Sound Generation Part 2!

Brother Joshua started off by reminding us of the 3 Ds (one of which Big Jon added as we closed last week): Decision, Differentiate, Discern

He then gave us an illustration. We are all like the tip of an iceberg represented by the top of the triangle below. Whatever is seen on the surface is a reflection of what's within. Check it out! :)

Ultimately, the absolute truth that defines our existence is:

Our relationship with the living God and personal encounter with JESUS the ONE who declares: I AM the TRUTH. Our identity is found in God alone.

Bearing this in mind, we moved on to learn more about the me-dia! ;)

The media has these things to offer (among many others):

And when Brother Joshua did a survey, the average number of hours spent using the media in a week was around 40 hours. That's not wrong at all but what's more important is that we control how much the media influences us.

We have to consciously decide what we will and won't allow to take root in our mind. We have to discern (tell the difference) between what's right for us to get involved with and filter out the potentially harmful stuff in the media jungle.

If our discernment button is not ON, and if we constantly hear (& see) wrong messages through the media, we might eventually change our attitude without even thinking about it. That's why evaluating everything we see and hear is a good idea.

Don't let our hearts decide.

The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? Jer 17:9

Moving on, the process below goes for everything that's in the media.

Brother Joshua focused on video games. We have to be careful with what these games promote. Beware of occult and violence.

When in doubt, don't!

There's nothing wrong with having fun in the virtual world. Just don't lose sight of your priorities and responsibilities in the real world.

Coming to an end, be careful what you post online.

1-Any info you share on the web can be accessed.
2-Even if a suggestive photo of you may have been taken down, someone else may have posted it elsewhere.
3-Your work can be copied or duplicated for profit.
4-Don't just add friends. Just because someone adds you does not mean you have to add them.
5-People with wrong intentions may easily spread rumours, threaten and intimidate others or post pictures which cause embarrassment.


The Internet makes it awfully easy to isolate oneself for hours and end. It's true it can put us in contact with knowledge and wonders and correspondences around the world, but it cannot replace the human touch. We need to remind ourselves that people are individual, not electronic clones.

On another note, for all of us going through exams, hang in there! The JOY of the Lord is OUR STRENGTH! Let's give it our best for His Glory!

See you all this Sat! :)


Sunday, 9 May 2010


Brother Joshua Liong spoke to us yesterday. He is coming next week for Part 2 as well. The seminar was awesome, wasn't it? :)

SOUND definition:
Exercising or showing sound judgement;
Reflects weight of sound argument or evidence;
Free from moral defect

This is the theme verse:

What does being sound means?
It is the ability to tell the difference & the ability to discern
(or the D&D Principle)

RIGHT choices that's LEFT an impact. Sounds familiar? =)
It is just to remind you of the little game we played yesterday - with our eyes shut.
:) We need to learn to use the D&D principle in our lives!

The second important thing is that we must have ABSOLUTE TRUTH - a standard by which we live by. We were told that a MAJORITY of people DON'T believe in ABSOLUTE TRUTH.
How sad! People who DON'T are most likely to steal, use illegal drugs, commit suicide, cheat in exams, lie to a friend, physically hurt someone, feel disappointed, watch pornography & many more DANGEROUS activities!
Live by the truth, nothing else!

We were INFORMED about being "sound" in watching movies. There are guidelines to the 4 NO-NOS in watching movies!

NO blasphemous movies because they make fun of God & Jesus; as well as portray them in disrespectful ways.

NO occult movies too. God is against witchcraft!

NO sick movies... I can't describe it!!

NO sex movies. *Pornography

So, MAKE SURE you watch a movie that doesn't fall in any of the 4 CATEGORIES! If you're NOT SURE; ASK YOURSELF 4 QUESTIONS:

1) What is the tone of the movie?
2) Is there a moral to the story?
3) Can anything be learned from the movie?
4) Might the movie worsen a problem you already have?
5) Would you regret having scenes from this movie replay themselves later in your head?

And lastly, if you came yesterday, REFLECT on what you've learnt & APPLY it.
Don't forget to finish up the SURVEY in page 2 & 4. :)


PS. Eunice; pls remember to write a post for next week. If possible, put in some pictures yeah? :) But if you don't want to; or if you don't know what to put in here, it's OKAY.

Have a great week ahead. BEST WISHES for ALL your exams!

* MiCH *

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Repentance from dead works

Repentance is a life-long process. You, who have been saved, are saved, are being saved and will be saved... :) Okay, to be more precise, repentance is written "matematically" as follows:

Repentance = Inward change + outward action

Repentance is ALSO:
Making a U-Turn...

What repentance IS NOT!

- Simply giving Jesus a "chance"
- Joining a church for its programmes
- Saying a prayer
- For "BIG sinners" (by the way, there's no such thing!)
- Feeling remorseful or anguished.

True repentance begins with God as a summary. LET'S APPLY what we have learnt!! :)
Do not repeat the mistakes made by some people in the Bible. More information are in the Foundation Truths 1 Booklet! :D

PS. Pictures are obtained from Google Images.

Have a nice day!

From [MiCH]