Saturday, 23 October 2010

Super Duper Saturday!

Hello people! :) It was a Super Duper Saturday, wasn't it? It was CG again. =] Our CG`s attendance was exceptional - Yesterday, we saw Jeannette in the pink, and we had Pauline back after a few busy weeks. :D

CG was kicked-off by worship - it was truly a God-moment. :) Let's proceed. Daryll gave us a few announcements ~ whooo! Brief CG meeting.
But then, the funniest moments was when Joshua went out of the room (the first time), Eunice took an opportunity to discuss the CG's surprise for his birthday (thanks to the Loh sisters who planned everything!!) And then the second time when he went out, we were really preparing everything - from the balloons to the cake. Wilson was a good company to Josh meanwhile. :D Amazing! ~
Eventhough Josh actually confessed that he was expecting some sort of surprise, everything fell into place! We celebrated his early birthday.. :) He had a lil' pecan butterscotch cake - after we sang the birthday song; we asked him to pop the balloons in 5 different ways. We laughed heaps. HAHAHA! He reacted in such a rapid way, I believe, Daryll even took a video of him ~
Below are some pictures we took on Saturday - to remember his birthday. =]

After the birthday celebration we partied awhile - with giggles, and excitement - we also ATE some sweets and biscuits! Of course, we prayed a prayer of blessing over Josh at the end.
Thanks a million for the treats, Eunice and Pauline :D We've been blessed. Anyway, before it's too late...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOSHUA!! Rock on for JESUS. Cont' to be a blessing to others just as you've been to us in BUCG! :)

Later at 3:30, we went to hall 3 to hear a lil' camp briefing from Siu Fai and his committee -
Guess what? CAMP`S along the way... in about 1 month plus plus plus!! :) Excited? Here are the details:
Date: 11-14 Dec '10
Place: Peacehaven!
Price: RM180 for early birds - and this is a special flat rate for visitors. RM200 - the normal prize. and RM 240 for late birds :P
Free stuffs: Camp T-shirt [don't have any idea what colour it will be!] and DUMC's growth journal.

PS. Just so you know, when you sign up for camp - please write your name in block letters yeah? Select an appropriate T-shirt size. And if you're below 18 - get ur parents' approval ~ Make full payments! very important stuffs here - be informed! :)
Registration`s starting next week. :D

Some questions to consider in relation to camp!
What are my expectations of camp? What's the outcome of your faith?
Think over - don't forget the things you've written in the mahjong paper yesterday.
Tomorrow`s Pr Foo's birthday. He's 43 years young. :) Remember the secret code? Haha.. We celebrated his birthday yesterday - he meant everything to us! Thank you Pr. Foo for being such a great blessing to us all. :D May God cont' to bless you in everything you do.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY PR. FOO. You're greatly blessed, highly favored, deeply loved. =) cheers!
Have a good week ahead`


Friday, 22 October 2010

CG.161010 :)

CG this week was the BEST! :) Here's the order of events:

1) Worship. It was a powerful time. We asked God for forgiveness and were reminded to draw near to God because He's always waiting for us.

2) Check-in. We went one round just updating each other on how we've been. Interesting stories.

3) Recap & Discussion. Daryll recapped STOP and we discussed our thoughts and struggles too.

4) Pray. We prayed for our upcoming exams (almost everyone had exams coming up).

5) Celebrate. We celebrated Alliyza's 17th birthday, in (let's just say) an interesting way haha ;) Dunkin Donuts. Fake Maze. Candle Blowing. Donut (Cutting &) Eating.

A few shots:

That's a wrap! Sorry guys short one this week.

See you all soon! :)


Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Amazing Alliyza! =]

Four years ago... [Looking back]
=) Reminiscence...

Someone joined the same CG as me. And now she is our respected helper of BUCG.

The girl I once thought was quiet and timid is now the gregarious girl I see. She adds enormous flavor into our lives through her heart-warming tales and her simple yet meaningful words of encouragements. She is an amazing adolescent who is about to turn 17 [As of 15th].

Spur of the moment. Well, before it's too late...


Thanks for all your unwavering support for this CG as well as your uncountable contributions. You're a gem! :) May God cont' the work He's begun in your life and bring it to completion. Rely on Him for strength to live the next phase of life.

have a nice day!

A bunch of people from BUCG.

Saturday, 9 October 2010

PRAYER. The BIG six-letter word.

What is PRAYER? Do you find it hard to pray? Why?
These questions were addressed today. We did a short group discussion, watched a video - profound and insightful, heard a "so-called" demo of praying by XYZ's zone leaders, and set off to pray :)

Don't be scared of the BIG six-letter word. Prayer is simply talking to God - just like you talk to your friend. Opinions on whether it's hard to pray varies from individual to individual.

Let's examine the three points for today:
1) PRAYER is being completely/brutally honest with God and ourselves. Be frank, open up yourselves to God. "honesty is the best policy"

2) PRAYER changes you and me. It does... It changes the way you think or see things...

3) PRAYER - The Holy Spirit helps us to pray.
Romans 8:26 - "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express"

Let's start to call prayer a privilege and a pride :)
Have a great week ahead. God bless!!

[PS. Eunice is way too advanced in blogging.. Haha, sorry people I don't really know how to construct diagrams. Simple post this week okay? If I have time I will add colours!]

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Fervent in Prayer021010

MOKS shared with us about prayer last Saturday at ZC. :) He definitely had Many Overjoying Keep-the-faith Stories!

We upgrade our phones to improve the way we communicate and update our Facebook profiles to inform others about our lives. Ultimately, it's because we're relational beings. :)

Since we are both spiritual and natural, we need to take time to grow in both aspects. :)

We can update and upgrade our relationship with the Lord through prayer.

Prayer = relationship track and not a religious act
Prayer = out of conviction not convenience

When you stop to pray, remember to:

1) be Specific

Matthew 7:8
For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.

2) Testify

Revelations 12:11
They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.

3) Obey

Joshua 24:24
And the people said to Joshua, "We will serve the LORD our God and obey him."

4) be Persistent

2 Chronicles 15:7
But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.

That's a wrap! :)

Let's STOP to pray this week and share our testimonies real soon!

tk care & God bless,