Friday, 18 February 2011

Updates! :)

Hello everyone!

My apologies for not updating the blog for a long, long time.

Many exciting and wonderful things have been happening over the past month!

A brief glimpse:

the JENGA (Just Elevate N Glorify the Almighty) day

this group picture was the seventh out of ten consecutive shots ;)

our personal goals sheet. our CG aim this year: Be United to Centre on God

Su Mei's yummilicious batik cake! :)

Valentine Special 120211

CG Dinner

2011 has been an adventurous journey.

We thank God for His grace and goodness.

Psalm 100:5 For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.

And oh yes, we have our BUCG facebook page now! :)
Here's the link:

Ok, that's all for now. Take care & see you all tmrw!
