Saturday, 24 July 2010

Change Your World - Quest 1

XYZ has just launched CHANGE YOUR WORLD or CYW, in short. As usual, we met with a few other CGs in Room 103. Eunice and Alliyza had the privilege of leading us in the interesting icebreaker. Everyone had to partner with someone, make observations on that person, and then, both had to make a change somehow. Both partners have to spot the changes of their opposite partners. (Example of a change: the position of where you wear your watch)

Today we just did Quest 1. We started off with watching the "You Can't" video - it contradicts the fact that you can make a change! After that, we had "THE CHANGE CHALLENGE" or a debating session. We were divided into 10 groups, in which 5 groups are "advocates of change" and the other 5 groups are "opponents of change". We had to argue on one of these 3 statements:

  • We can change the way we treat foreign students or foreign workers.
  • We can change our stance against sex and relationships
  • We can change our attitudes towards our school and campuses.

    My group was "against change" (we picked the 3rd point) and we came up with some points as follows:
  • People have negative mindsets...cannot la!
  • Too many people involved...
  • It's just temporary, that's why.
  • Students are immatured to make changes!
  • The community can't support us..
  • Some people are just conventional.
  • Changes might cause things to go wrong... it's risk-taking!
    Well, just stick to the status quo!!

Then, our "proponents" emphasized how change is gradual...and it's GOOD. That's about what I remembered! We shall move on to the "MOTIVATIONAL TALK" on change.

Resistance to Change.

  • Own self
  • Others: Family and friends.

3 Resistance to Change and their antidotes:

  • Complancency ---> Compassion

  • Fear ---> Courage
  • Ignorance ---> Awareness

Reading is a way to get updated on what's happening around the world.

COMPLACENCY: Means that you don't care, think about yourself only, bored, lazy, no excitement to progress or dream, contented with mediocrity. A quote from Albert Einstein: "The world is not dangerous because of those who don't harm but because of those who look at it without doing anything"

Consider a boy on the beach. One day, as he was throwing starfishes back into the sea from the seashore, an old man came up to him and asked, "Why are you doing this when you can't save all of them?" The boy was genuine enough to say that "I've made a change!" (eventhough it was little)

FEAR: The number one enemy of new possibilities. (I suppose everyone has at least one kind of fear, whether known or unknown). That's why we need courage to venture ahead despite the pounding in our heart that says, "Turn back!"

IGNORANCE: The "I don't care" attitude. You can't change something you're not aware of, right? It simply blinds us to the pressing issues happening in our world.

Let's start now.. make a change!


Friday, 23 July 2010

Happy Sweet Sixteenth Birthday! [Belated]

On 20th July 2010,
Maybelle turned
"Sweet Sixteen".

On behalf of BUCG, I would like to take this opportunity to wish her a Happy (Belated) Birthday! :)

Thanks for being part of our lives! We're blessed to have you! We wish you God's best in whatever you do... May God bless you richly. You're greatly blessed, highly favored and deeply loved! :) CHEERS!

From BUCG.
with our whole hearts.

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

180 THE MUSICAL (Part 2)

Hey young ppl of BUCG and XYZ!! :) I'm pretty sure you enjoyed 180 THE MUSICAL, even if you were the ones behind the scenes or even those who performed!!
Here are the pictures as you can see! ENJOY :)

Remember these ppl?? =)

Urgh.. they're staring at me. =P

Heng and Jo, which each of you know!!

:) The young ones. All played major roles!!

the cast =)

The awesome, colorful backdrop displayed when the musical ended!! :)

Not missing out these pics... =)

Me and Su Mei - friends for quite a long time, and I think this might be my first time watching her dance. :D

Not to forget, Daryll - who taught them all the steps. BUCG has gifted dancers :)

What about the question mark?? Haha..

Thanks for dropping by.. it's a pleasure to have you!! We'll hear more about some ppl's experience in the musical soon. :)

Yours faithfully;

Monday, 19 July 2010

180 THE MUSICAL (Part 1)

Dream Centre: On the 18th July 2010, majority of the youths from XYZ watched "180 THE MUSICAL". :) Everyone had a great time watching the adults and youths portraying their wonderful talents!

Before the show began...

Festoons down! Cast gets ready...

Summary of the musical is as follows..
The tragedy of mixing with the wrong company had become a reality for Ah Heng, the main character. Born in a poor family, Ah Heng was raised up by his angry and fierce mother. His father was not at home practically all the time because he had to work long hours in the factory. Thus, he wasn't a good role model for his son.

It was the final year of high school for Ah Heng. Lulu and her friends would tease him because of his "poor" status. Not to forget, Ah Heng was a notorious student in school who was looked down upon because of his low academic results in the past.

One fine day, he was called by the disciplinary master, Mr. Ghazali, to meet the new principal, Mr. Lim. He had a lot of problems. That same night, he was scolded by his mother for some reasons. Feeling frustrated and deeply wounded on the inside, he longed for someone to love him.

Later on, his friend, Jo, came by and asked him out. Jo, the son of Kerr (or Jo-kerr), was an attractive and promising person to Heng on the outside. Trying to make Ah Heng feel "good", he lured Ah Heng into thievery. As they paced on the quiet streets, they saw an elderly couple passing by... And in the blink of an eye, the old people were robbed by the "two gangsters". "Ah Heng!" the man shouted. Lo and behold, it was Mr Lim! Ah Heng too afraid to turn back because he knew that somehow his life was at stake.

The next day at school, the criminal was called to the principal's office. Mr Lim gave him a long lecture, knowing that the time sown into Jo's life would reap a benefit. Mr Lim warned Jo that he would end up being in prison if he continues stealing. Mr Lim banned Jo from joining any gang for six months! He started giving Jo tuition for two subjects, thus ensuring that he makes full use of his time.

Six months down the road, Ah Heng met Jo again while he was all by himself. This time, Jo asked him to join a gang so that he can be famous and powerful. Ah Heng opposed strongly and refused to give in to his friend. He even warned his friend that he can be caught by the police and be imprisoned for committing crime! He has finally made the right choice and indeed, he has changed 180 degrees!

Whether you guessed it or not, Jo was caught by the police after trying to escape. He brings people into the wrong places and now he is brought into that place - prison!

Some lessons to be learnt ~
- Life is a series of choices. Make wise choices!
- Who we hang out with is VERY important. Bad company corrupts good character!

Special thanks to..

THE CAST! :) You're awesome and you all did a splendid job!
THE DEW CREW AND BACKSTAGE CREW! God is well pleased with you!
THE MAKE UP ARTISTS! The old looked young, and the young looked younger!
THE USHERS AND SECURITY. You played a major rold and we appreciate it!

Not to forget, the Pastoral Team, Staff and Intercessors who supported everyone in prayer.
I truly want to say a BIG THANK YOU for those in the frontline!
[Some XYZ leaders involved: Daryll and Siu Fai]

29 SALVATIONS, 11 REDEDICATIONS AND A FEW MORE! :) Praise the Lord for what he is doing in our midsts! Everyone of you made this musical a SUCCESS! I also want to thank those who came along with their friends. You did a great job too!! :)

To be continued..

Super Sat - 180 THE MUSICAL Preparation


What is follow up?
Follow up is the personal investment or communication that should occur after an event.

Why is follow up necessary?
Because the 180 The Musical is not the en
d of your oikos's journey with God- It is only the beginning! Even if your oikos did not accept Christ during 180 The Musical, continue to follow up with them, because you never know how God can work in his/her life through you. To you, follow up may just be the simple task of inviting your friends back to church, but to them, it is one step closer to the Kingdom of God! :)

How to follow up?
After 180 The Musical, there are just TWO things you should do:

1. TALK to your friends

"How was the musical?" "Did you enjoy the games?" "Was the food good?" "What do you think of the church?" "Did you have a good time?"

Start a conversation and listen to their opinions. This will show them that you really care about what they think and how they feel, and that they are not just a 'project' to you! Everyone loves to feel important, right? :)

Once you've done this, you can move on to..

2. Invite them back for Change Your World Quest 1!

Let them know about CG and ask if they would like to join us for CYW.

The details are:

Date: 24 July 2010
Time: 2.00 - 3.30pm

Venue: Room 103, Dream Centre

Tell them what its about, show them the trailers and get them excited to come back for more!

Just remember,

- Talk to your friends
I - Invite them back for Change Your World
- Pray!

That's it! Just a few simple steps to follow up on your friends. :)

And what if they say NO?

Its perfectly OKAY! :)
Your friends will come to church when they are ready, but if they are not interested, that's alright! No need to be discouraged!
All YOU have to do is to invite them back, keep them in prayer, and trust God to do the rest! :)

I like the way Wilson put it when he said, "Even if after everything we've done, only one person comes to know the Lord, it would still be worth it!"

I agree, dont you? :)

-alliyza :)

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

180 Musical Prep!

It was a PERFECTO time at ZC. :)

Here are some things to keep in mind:

If you all have any questions, pls ask, k? Thanks!

Take care and looking forward to see all of you this Sat! :)

God bless,

180 The Musical from zero to one-eighty!

Sunday, 4 July 2010


August 1, 2010;

9) Faith is Rejoicing in the Word

(The language of faith is praise.)
(Praise is a sacrifice)

We all should praise God coz we are alive. Only the dead can't. (Isaiah 38:18)
In Psalm 150:6, we are told to praise God coz we have breath!! :)

10) Faith is Persevering in the Word

How do tests come?
1) Delay
2) Contradicting circumstances
3) Contradicting people.

To be continued. thanks for reading through.


The process of faith is just like one link connecting to another link. If there is a continuous connection, the chain will be complete, and the whole process of faith is complete. When there's a disconnection, everything breaks down.

Let's explore further =) FAITH is..

1) HEARING the Word

Faith comes when you hear the rhema (the spoken word) from God Himself in heaven. To be a man or woman of faith, you must be SENSITIVE to the voice of God.

2) DESIRING the Word

This is very true. It is relevant for us today.
God wants you to desire that which is in His heart. And God wants to give you the desire of your heart. That means that your will should be the same as His. For that to happen, you MUST HAVE a personal relationship with God.

3) PRAYING the Word

Faith is a spirit, or an attitude that never gives up! Keep asking until something happens! =)


The word "believe" is used more than 250 times in the New Testament. Do you know how important that is?

The word "believes" is in the CONTINUOUS & REPEATED tense. Faith is the process of believing OVER & OVER again until you get the miracle you need.

What does it mean to "believe" the Word? To believe means to make a DECISION to commit to the Word, the vision you heard from God.

Be sure you know what you want. If you desire a miracle from God, you need to make a DECISION to really go after it by faith. DON'T REASON ANYTHING IN YOUR MINDS!

By believing, you're making a decision & a commitment. You're activating your WILL.

5) RECEIVING the Word.

6) SEEING the Word.

When you receive the Word in your heart, you are activating the power of your imagination.

If I can see it, I can have it! If I can't see it inside my imagination, I can never have it!

You need to spend time visualizing success in order to gear ourselves towards success! at least 15 MINUTES a day.


"Confession" in Greek text is the word homologeo, which means "saying the same as God's Word to you". To confess is to therefore keep speaking out the word that God has given to you.

8) ACTING ON the Word.

We must do what the Word says. Faith is a fact but faith is always an act!

That's about it for yesterday's Super Saturday! ONE ANNOUNCEMENT. Something exciting's on the way...

Yes, it's our very own musical, put up by Punctuation and the AWESOME XYZ crew...
Join us and invite your friends! =) Keep the frontliners updated too!

Details are as follows:-
Date & time:
July 16, 17 at 8.30 pm.
July 18 at 5 pm.

There's something lined up for youths on Sunday. We would preferably like to see you then! =) Let's apply what we have learnt for DBS & have faith as you invite your friends!

To be continued. [d lesson will resume in August, & this post will be updated again]

- MiCH