What is follow up?
Follow up is the personal investment or communication that should occur after an event.
Why is follow up necessary?
Because the 180 The Musical is not the end of your oikos's journey with God- It is only the beginning! Even if your oikos did not accept Christ during 180 The Musical, continue to follow up with them, because you never know how God can work in his/her life through you. To you, follow up may just be the simple task of inviting your friends back to church, but to them, it is one step closer to the Kingdom of God! :)
How to follow up?
After 180 The Musical, there are just TWO things you should do:
1. TALK to your friends
"How was the musical?" "Did you enjoy the games?" "Was the food good?" "What do you think of the church?" "Did you have a good time?"
Start a conversation and listen to their opinions. This will show them that you really care about what they think and how they feel, and that they are not just a 'project' to you! Everyone loves to feel important, right? :) Once you've done this, you can move on to..
2. Invite them back for Change Your World Quest 1!
Let them know about CG and ask if they would like to join us for CYW.
The details are:
Date: 24 July 2010
Time: 2.00 - 3.30pm
Venue: Room 103, Dream Centre
Tell them what its about, show them the trailers and get them excited to come back for more!
Just remember,
T- Talk to your friends
I - Invite them back for Change Your World
P- Pray!
That's it! Just a few simple steps to follow up on your friends. :)
And what if they say NO?
Its perfectly OKAY! :)
Your friends will come to church when they are ready, but if they are not interested, that's alright! No need to be discouraged! All YOU have to do is to invite them back, keep them in prayer, and trust God to do the rest! :)
I like the way Wilson put it when he said, "Even if after everything we've done, only one person comes to know the Lord, it would still be worth it!"
I agree, dont you? :)
-alliyza :)
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