Summary of the musical is as follows..
The tragedy of mixing with the wrong company had become a reality for Ah Heng, the main character. Born in a poor family, Ah Heng was raised up by his angry and fierce mother. His father was not at home practically all the time because he had to work long hours in the factory. Thus, he wasn't a good role model for his son.
It was the final year of high school for Ah Heng. Lulu and her friends would tease him because of his "poor" status. Not to forget, Ah Heng was a notorious student in school who was looked down upon because of his low academic results in the past.
One fine day, he was called by the disciplinary master, Mr. Ghazali, to meet the new principal, Mr. Lim. He had a lot of problems. That same night, he was scolded by his mother for some reasons. Feeling frustrated and deeply wounded on the inside, he longed for someone to love him.
Later on, his friend, Jo, came by and asked him out. Jo, the son of Kerr (or Jo-kerr), was an attractive and promising person to Heng on the outside. Trying to make Ah Heng feel "good", he lured Ah Heng into thievery. As they paced on the quiet streets, they saw an elderly couple passing by... And in the blink of an eye, the old people were robbed by the "two gangsters". "Ah Heng!" the man shouted. Lo and behold, it was Mr Lim! Ah Heng too afraid to turn back because he knew that somehow his life was at stake.
The next day at school, the criminal was called to the principal's office. Mr Lim gave him a long lecture, knowing that the time sown into Jo's life would reap a benefit. Mr Lim warned Jo that he would end up being in prison if he continues stealing. Mr Lim banned Jo from joining any gang for six months! He started giving Jo tuition for two subjects, thus ensuring that he makes full use of his time.
Six months down the road, Ah Heng met Jo again while he was all by himself. This time, Jo asked him to join a gang so that he can be famous and powerful. Ah Heng opposed strongly and refused to give in to his friend. He even warned his friend that he can be caught by the police and be imprisoned for committing crime! He has finally made the right choice and indeed, he has changed 180 degrees!
Whether you guessed it or not, Jo was caught by the police after trying to escape. He brings people into the wrong places and now he is brought into that place - prison!
Some lessons to be learnt ~
- Life is a series of choices. Make wise choices!
- Who we hang out with is VERY important. Bad company corrupts good character!
Special thanks to..
THE CAST! :) You're awesome and you all did a splendid job!
THE DEW CREW AND BACKSTAGE CREW! God is well pleased with you!
THE MAKE UP ARTISTS! The old looked young, and the young looked younger!
THE USHERS AND SECURITY. You played a major rold and we appreciate it!
Not to forget, the Pastoral Team, Staff and Intercessors who supported everyone in prayer.
I truly want to say a BIG THANK YOU for those in the frontline!
[Some XYZ leaders involved: Daryll and Siu Fai]
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