Worship was powerful! Praise God! We were reminded that God did not want us to only give to Him all the time (sing, clap, lift hands, kneel etc) but also wanted us to receive (hear Him speak, experience His love etc).
Later on, Pr Sam Krishnan who heads the Breakthrough Drug Rehab was the guest of honour while Jared interviewed him. We really learnt a lot.
Among other things, here are a few:
1) Drugs are but temporal and harmful "escapes". They may help you forget your problems but will not solve them. In fact, they will create more.
2) If you know of someone struggling with drugs and wants to get out, seek help and support when counselling him/her. Don't do it alone.
1 Peter 5:8 - Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
Satan will always find opportunities to destroy us.
3) Remember that it is God's grace that we are where we are today. Continue to show love to the needy & underprivileged.
Matthew 25:40 - The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
Just for kicks, here are some examples of signs that were flashed on that day:

A few announcements before I sign off:
1) Speaking of Compassionate in Caring, just an update/reminder regarding visit to the drug rehab this Sat:

2) Here's a little something from all of us for the SPMers:
Walking through this journey,
Was happy, sad and funny,
I'll give my best to study,
Because I'm doing it for God's glory!
All the BEST - Alliyza, Crystal, Julia, Munn Kitt & Edmund! You can do it! :) We're praying for you.
3) Finally:

Take care & God bless! :)