Happy Birthday Su Mei :)

Have an exciting day! God bless!
Have an exciting day! God bless!
The girl I once thought was quiet and timid is now the gregarious girl I see. She adds enormous flavor into our lives through her heart-warming tales and her simple yet meaningful words of encouragements. She is an amazing adolescent who is about to turn 17 [As of 15th].
Thanks for all your unwavering support for this CG as well as your uncountable contributions. You're a gem! :) May God cont' the work He's begun in your life and bring it to completion. Rely on Him for strength to live the next phase of life.
have a nice day!
1) Being passionate about God's presence.
John 12:1-8, an amazing passage to read. =) Passionate; you know it all.
2) Humbling of the heart.
Isaiah 6:1-8. When Isaiah entered into God's presence, He realized how sinful He was. Humility, people. We should approach God in humility!
3) Sacrificing and then expecting something from God.
Hebrews 11:6... a good passage to meditate on. Believe it as well! We can expect something from God.
JOHN 4:23 - "Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks. God is spirit and his worshippers must worship in spirit and in truth."
That's all for now. (: Take care people!
-Your blogger.
Pr. Kelvin (from 1 a.m.), YB Hannah Yeoh, & Pr. Cathryn were our honored guest speakers for that night. Each of them brings a different message across, & I have summed it up below:
Don't allow feelings to stop you from changing your world. He mentioned that it's a norm (generally speaking) for people to "feel good & comfortable" to do something. Feelings DOESN'T matter when it comes to changing your world. SERIOUSLY. =] Pr. Kelvin emphasized "empathy", which is identifying with the feelings of others. :)
Before the instructions; there was a short poem which says:
Hello young friend, the Chosen One,
This map is a treasure compared to none,
It's up to you to unlock the secret,
A world changer you'll be, when this journey is done.
Stray not from your path, despite temptations aplently,
Vertical or horizontal moves will ensure your safety.
Take one box per step, patience is the key,
Persevere in one continuous journey, and change you will see.
We dilligently solved and my group was the first to finish decoding the "quote".
After that short and brief activity, we watched several videos (including the one featuring the 1 A.M band and the CYW tour!) on 3 MAJOR ISSUES in the world. I wrote down the stats yesterday. Here it is :)
Sex trafficking - 2.5 million victims, it has been tolerated and growing, youths ranging from ages 18-24. Prostitution.. SOBS!
Modern slavery - there are 27 million slaves in this world! Ouch, hearing it hurts. Average cost of a slave is $90. 211 million children are slaves (ages 5-14) around the world. They are DEPRIVED of a proper education.
Illegal treatment - Estimated, about 100,000 refugees, asylum seekers...they're called illegals meaning, they come into the country illegally. Most of them are victimized, abused, deported, trafficked.. they're literally in a "torture chamber" 24/7!
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is that good man do nothing.
Questions I encourage you to reflect on!
-How would these awareness change the way you live?
-What kind of change is needed in your world?
-What kind of change would you like to bring to your world?
details: -
4th Sept 2010.
6-10 pm
Sunway Convention Centre.
Don't miss out.. ;) It's going to be SUPERB. Come and experience something from God. =] and I'm so happy that BUCG is part of "changing the world". Next week, we are going to an outing to "Rumah Hope", it's not that far from church. People, prepare for it ~ :) update ur frontliners.
XYZ has just launched CHANGE YOUR WORLD or CYW, in short. As usual, we met with a few other CGs in Room 103. Eunice and Alliyza had the privilege of leading us in the interesting icebreaker. Everyone had to partner with someone, make observations on that person, and then, both had to make a change somehow. Both partners have to spot the changes of their opposite partners. (Example of a change: the position of where you wear your watch)
Today we just did Quest 1. We started off with watching the "You Can't" video - it contradicts the fact that you can make a change! After that, we had "THE CHANGE CHALLENGE" or a debating session. We were divided into 10 groups, in which 5 groups are "advocates of change" and the other 5 groups are "opponents of change". We had to argue on one of these 3 statements:
Then, our "proponents" emphasized how change is gradual...and it's GOOD. That's about what I remembered! We shall move on to the "MOTIVATIONAL TALK" on change.
Resistance to Change.
3 Resistance to Change and their antidotes:
Reading is a way to get updated on what's happening around the world.
COMPLACENCY: Means that you don't care, think about yourself only, bored, lazy, no excitement to progress or dream, contented with mediocrity. A quote from Albert Einstein: "The world is not dangerous because of those who don't harm but because of those who look at it without doing anything"
Consider a boy on the beach. One day, as he was throwing starfishes back into the sea from the seashore, an old man came up to him and asked, "Why are you doing this when you can't save all of them?" The boy was genuine enough to say that "I've made a change!" (eventhough it was little)
FEAR: The number one enemy of new possibilities. (I suppose everyone has at least one kind of fear, whether known or unknown). That's why we need courage to venture ahead despite the pounding in our heart that says, "Turn back!"
IGNORANCE: The "I don't care" attitude. You can't change something you're not aware of, right? It simply blinds us to the pressing issues happening in our world.
Let's start now.. make a change!