A bunch of brilliant & energetic youngsters crowded the convention centre for last week's "Change Your World" Tour. An inspiring 4-hour session with Relent & 1 a.m. was something I never regretted investing my time into. The members of BUCG who actually made it there can say that "It's worthwhile in the long run; I learnt something; & I'm definitely going to make a change!"

To seal our participation in the tour, we got a "chop" of the word "CHANGED" from the assisting crew... While the excitement kept stirring in our hearts, there was a countdown to CYW! :) The tour kicked off with a dance performance (I think Daryll was dancing then). Next, it was a vibrant worship with the band.. They sang songs that are contained in their album called "CHANGE(D)". Later that night, we redeemed the "free album", a gift for ALL participants.
Pr. Kelvin (from 1 a.m.), YB Hannah Yeoh, & Pr. Cathryn were our honored guest speakers for that night. Each of them brings a different message across, & I have summed it up below:
Don't allow feelings to stop you from changing your world. He mentioned that it's a norm (generally speaking) for people to "feel good & comfortable" to do something. Feelings DOESN'T matter when it comes to changing your world. SERIOUSLY. =] Pr. Kelvin emphasized "empathy", which is identifying with the feelings of others. :)

You can't be ignorant about the news around you. You can't change that which you are not yet aware of. One thing I've learnt is to be "more aware" of what's happening... Just as Nehemiah & his "team" helped to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, YB Hannah encouraged us to "rebuild Malaysia". The story of Nehemiah, significant as it is, can teach us lessons on making change...I encourage you to read it! :)
Pr Cathryn wrapped up everything that has been spoken, all the more, urging us to make a change. She shared from John 12:24. Unless we die to ourselves, we can't be productive in changing your world. & ultimately, we can't see the "many seeds" of change. :(

During & after the sessions, we pledged to make changes in various ways & we made money contributions to some organizations which are part of making change for this world. I encourage everyone of you, despite your ineptitude or inability, to start making a change!!
Change is inevitable, as long as we live in an imperfect world.

Credits: 1 a.m., Pr. Foo & XYZ, Daryll & his assistants, & BUCG.
by, [MiCH]
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