We are thankful for every moment we meet together. Having visitors in our CG is a rare occurence, so we're glad to have Chris, Wilson's friend, join us! And we want to welcome back Su Mei - officially! And of course, our dearest ["dancers"] - Edmund and Maybelle!
I led worship... so glad to be doing it more regularly now, and I see myself taking personal responsibility! :D Yay! But I felt kind of bad 'coz I didn't bring enough papers! An advise the worship leaders: Please be on the safe side - print a min of 12 copies in case of the uprising no of ppl... yup.
So...why SOUL WINNERS? :)
Daryll summed it up for us this week.
First and foremost, it is a command. :) We're on the mission to rescue the unsaved! GO! Jesus gave us the green light - MARK 16:15. The world, in Greek, is cosmos - which covers the different cultures in the world...I'm so glad for Eunice, Pauline, and Joshua, who will one day go to the missions field. Ask them more about their experiences in YMCPP1.
Secondly, the unsaved are LOST without Him! Imagine your life leading towards a dead end street...can you imagine how many people out there are "TOTALLY LOST"? They have no sense of direction! JOHN 14:6 speaks of Jesus being the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE.
Thirdly, people are HUNGRY for the gospel. We need to be totally aware that the unsaved do not have the "spiritual nutrients" we have. They are unhealthy right now; and they need someone to help them by telling them about Jesus and giving them the MOST healthiest "FOOD" on earth - THE WORD OF GOD!
This post is gonna end soon. Don't worry! I know I write tonnes longer than anyone here!

Watch for it next week! :) Remember to invite your friends 'coz they need to hear the msg! Pray hard yeah? :) Have a nice day and a great week... God bless.
D' Blogger... :D You know who la! Hehe!