Saturday, 27 June 2009
Connection Moment!
Thanks for all the feedbacks! (eventhough only two people spoke to me!). I will attempt to improve. As Daryll said, CG's the best place to make mistakes, and we can be corrected as well. [Not just facing your parents' rebuke!!] - Now I want to see more new faces leading us =D
Anyway, it was a privilege that Wilson brought his friend who attended YWAM (Youth With a Mission) with him for the last 6 months. Chris, really thank you for spending your time sharing with us ~ It's quite interesting to know he went for real-life mission trips to Cambodia, Phillipines and right now, he's also on a mission to Malaysia. Seems like you must be having a good time eh! The food here's awesome right?? ^^
Chris shared many stuffs. He told us that he had to preach and share a geographical point of view that "God's the spiritual map" (something like tat!). But yeah, He's our Guide... ;)
He preached to a large group of children. Interesting, lots of creative juices I'm sure! Haha!!
[Children ministry?]
We don`t know yet where he's going to do the work of God in the future but we pray that God will lead you, Chris. He's great things in store for you. Trust Him, never waver in the faith!! (For the CG`s information, I gave him this blog URL, hopefully he tags us!)
As for Wilson, welcome back ere ~ You've an Australian accent. First thing I noticed when you shared this afternoon. But well, yeah last time, I`ve seen the "as quiet as a church mouse" part of you, but your a changed giant now! (a spiritual one!) Praise the LORD, glory to God!
Basically, Wilson shared about His desire to obey God to marry the suitable mate. He also shared how he's nailed his sins to the "wooden cross" and how he had to get back right before God. Yeah man, you're on the right track! Stay passionate for the Lord!
We skipped the Word today. Anyway, today was awesome!! Can you imagine, 14 attendees today. even if Wilson and Chris (American) didn't come, it would still be a lot. thanks for coming to hear them everyone! COMPLIMENTS!! (Come back next week for ZC)
I won't be around!! Will be going to school camp. I pass on the blogging task for Alliyza to do!
[pls blog about SS next week okay?]
That`s the end of today.
* cheers *
Thursday, 25 June 2009
Optimistic Life
=] It seems like everyone is having that sort of life when your "boat" is smooth sailing! When we were young, our parents were there for us! During teenage period, friendsare there in our distress. What about when the world seem so dark and there's no where to turn to in trouble times? Can you remain an optimist even when there's storms, or disaster so to speak? How do we react in such situations? That's the real test of your faith, whether you look to the gloomy side, or put your trust completely in God. Yes, an optimistic life is relaxing and fun, but truly, an optimist is someone who put God in between themselves and their problems. They don't put problems in between them and God, coz if they do, they will waver in the faith... those are the pessismitic people. Optimistic people will always find ways to live life to the fullest, spend their lives wisely and always have a positive mindset! They have a sense of confidence, fearless, and ready to face challenges whenever they come... Pessismistic people, sad to say, always lack confidence and will doubt that they can achieve something or complete it. Most of the time, they will give up - they lack perseverance unlike the optimistic people. We need to be moulded in our character to become an optimist. Each time we face a challenge, we can either stand strong and fight it or just ignore the problem and try to do something to make it goaway. I'm sure we have tried doing that before. Nonetheless, we can learn from our past. There's always a solution for every problem. Never take it all into your hands. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and counsel you, read the Bible - but you need to change your perspective, know that there's light at the end of the tunnel... =) Jesus isthat light that shines around us. Don't allow the cares of this world to darken your days. BEAUTIFUL LORD by Leeland!
I find this song really meaningful. Do you want to be optimist or pessimist? Choose for yourself how you want to live your life not when its "like a bed of roses" but rather, when life isn't like that at all. Make every moment count for the Lord, coz we're more than conquerors! Remember JESUS have taken ur burdens upon that CROSS and HEwants you to live a victorious life!! =) Let go, let God!PS. BUCG treats its members like family members, so if you face any difficulties, just share it, we will uphold you in prayer =)
Be Jolly people~ (I wrote this voluntarily for you - to encourage you!)
Saturday, 20 June 2009
Super Saturday - Stress!! =X
The theme verse was "Do not be anxious about anything, but in anything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus" [Philipians 4:6,7]. Of coz there are other verses that help us deal with stress ~ =)
This is a parlour of memory verses for us to claim on...
- 1 Peter 5:7 (remember you have to memorize it this week!!)
- Isaiah 41:10
- Phil 4:12-13
- Matt 6:25-34
- Matt 7:7-11
- Psalm 145:17-20
- Psalm 91:14-16
- Heb 12:11-13
- Rom 4:20-22
- James 1:2-4
- James 1:5-7
Does all these verses stresses you out? Well, I shall further move on to describe stress... You keep pulling a rubber band till it breaks and see what "tension" you will face ~ What about squashing a balloon in between your legs? It will eventually "BURST!" You also see the original colour fading as Daryll mentioned :) There`s a list of "stress facts" we all face!
These are the stress starters - according to CG members
Some of them are:
-Failing a test -_- (No!! ARGH! I could've done better!!)
-Doing something wrong (hair stand up! =X)
-Seeing parents fight! =(
-Not living up to parents' expectations!! (Grrr!)
-Unsure what your future holds [What's next???]
-Lots of homework! [Oh my!]
-Not being able to solve a problem, like MATHS! (What's the answer??)
-Can`t concentrate on studies!
Stress depends on the seasons!! (even I'm sure some ppl are stress of what Christmas presents to buy...) Stress isn`t always bad because it serves as an "Alarm or warning system" for us to act on stress... dealing with it, most importantly! This is essential, because it can't be avoided. We should react in a healthy way such as exercising..
I suggest eating well, a balanced diet! Do sleep well too, at least 8 hours a day!! I shall mention you should occupy yourself with yr favourite pastime. Fight stress!!! - its consequences are fear, depression and anger...
~ NiKE - Just do it!
To solve it =) Here`s some tips:
* Recognize the symptoms - don't deny you have it ~
* Discover the cause - ask God to help you discern why ur stress!!
* Deal with it - talk to leaders and friends, and of coz don't forget ur parents ~ =) they are very important as well!
Remember that ~ PRAY + read His Word too!!
You need help from people around you coz the Bible says "two are better than one" in Ecclesiastes 4:9 =)
Wow, its amazing how much we learnt today, thanks to Daryll. A reminder, please keep Esther's brother and her family in prayer...and advertise LOUD! to your friends... its about a month`s time... yeah!! (and ZC for the whole of July after so much of CG input!!) =D
We heard about Jeanette and Chris' birthdays - Jean went out and had a surprise party and Chris went out for Mexican food at The Curve with family. we celebrated after CG at DC cafe - just a carrot cake, like we did for Mun Kitt and Crystal. Haha! =]
Sunday, 14 June 2009
I'm so happy for them, coz without them, our CG wouldn't be complete!
Jeanette and Chris...It wasn't coincident that u grew up knowing God with us!
And never by chance that Su Mei and I invited you over to BUCG XYZ!
You have both been a blessing to us in many ways throughout the last 2 years or so.
Happy Birthday, may you grow to experience God more and more each day!
Its my honour to present something from Eunice and I to both of you!
We wish you the best for every circumstance, But u have to wait!!
The picture won't load so fast... =P
We love you!! =] Hope you like the picture below ~
Saturday, 13 June 2009
Super Saturday -Relaxation!!

Yes, a 2-song worship, an approximately 5-minute sharing and a time of "gaming" sums up this week's meeting. It was something rather different! Not much of Word, all I could recall was "committing yourselves to the LORD". Daryll told us that he didn't want us just to hear him, in case we couldn't remember anything he told us. Oh what a change! =)
Having an attendance of 8 people, we played cards - first Heart Attack, "same number", then the number game (two cards must add up to 21, then you win, something like that). It was fun well, Alliyza heart attacked so many times, while Eunice, a couple of times, and a quiet whisper of "heart attack" from Crystal. Not to forget, me and lastly, Daryll... =]
HOW RELAXING IT WAS ;) Maureen was actually suppose to drop by for a visit, but Daryll actually told her what we were doing... Anyway, I will proceed the next post with our pictures and more to come... ^^
[MiCH] =) Nothing beats a BLACK COLOUR post =P
Sunday, 7 June 2009
Super Saturday - Goal Setting
Just a brief introduction before I move on! Warm welcome to Jessica who's visited our CG! I remembered the time she came for LOUD! 2OO7 and was saved then. How amazing! ^^ We played the "same word" ice-breaker as we played in the previous FCS. Only the ppl
who came actually know what it was like on Saturday -
The theme verse for goal setting is [Ephesians 5:15-17] "Be very careful then, how u live, not as unwise, but as wise, making the most of every opportunity because the days are evil..." We need to have a preferential rating of what's important in life!! =] we need to worry about priority in terms of "time" for 2 reasons:
-Time is limited. we just have 24 hrs a day, not more! U never have time to do what u want unless u make time for it!
-2ndly, God expects stewardship. Let us manage our resources wisely! :) Make your life colourful!
I want to share this illustration. U have a vase. Then u start to put the big pebbles, then the small ones, then water and sand! Guess what? it fits nicely, there's enough space for all the stuffs rite? ^^ BUT if u do it the other way round, u will find that there's no space for the big pebbles! =O This can apply to our lives. We need to prioritize our important or "BIGGER" THINGS in life so that there's still space for the smaller things. I hope u learnt something from here! ;)
Anyway, one great news! LOUD Concert is on 26th July 2009 so invite ur friends to come enjoy this wonderful night for FREE =P Also, a reminder, please submit ur details to Daryll asap if u're interested to join the blogging competition for LOUD! Maybe we should use this blog for the competition, all of us work together ><" I wonder if we are allowed to`
Oh well enjoy ur one more week of holidays! =) Submit ur FCS reports to ur frontliners...
That's about it for now! Will cya next week - I want to see more attendees - not just 9 =]
actually it was quite alot for BUCG standard =P