Thursday 25 June 2009

Optimistic Life

=] It seems like everyone is having that sort of life when your "boat" is smooth sailing! When we were young, our parents were there for us! During teenage period, friendsare there in our distress. What about when the world seem so dark and there's no where to turn to in trouble times? Can you remain an optimist even when there's storms, or disaster so to speak? How do we react in such situations? That's the real test of your faith, whether you look to the gloomy side, or put your trust completely in God. Yes, an optimistic life is relaxing and fun, but truly, an optimist is someone who put God in between themselves and their problems. They don't put problems in between them and God, coz if they do, they will waver in the faith... those are the pessismitic people. Optimistic people will always find ways to live life to the fullest, spend their lives wisely and always have a positive mindset! They have a sense of confidence, fearless, and ready to face challenges whenever they come... Pessismistic people, sad to say, always lack confidence and will doubt that they can achieve something or complete it. Most of the time, they will give up - they lack perseverance unlike the optimistic people. We need to be moulded in our character to become an optimist. Each time we face a challenge, we can either stand strong and fight it or just ignore the problem and try to do something to make it goaway. I'm sure we have tried doing that before. Nonetheless, we can learn from our past. There's always a solution for every problem. Never take it all into your hands. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and counsel you, read the Bible - but you need to change your perspective, know that there's light at the end of the tunnel... =) Jesus isthat light that shines around us. Don't allow the cares of this world to darken your days. BEAUTIFUL LORD by Leeland!

I find this song really meaningful. Do you want to be optimist or pessimist? Choose for yourself how you want to live your life not when its "like a bed of roses" but rather, when life isn't like that at all. Make every moment count for the Lord, coz we're more than conquerors! Remember JESUS have taken ur burdens upon that CROSS and HEwants you to live a victorious life!! =) Let go, let God!PS. BUCG treats its members like family members, so if you face any difficulties, just share it, we will uphold you in prayer =)

Be Jolly people~ (I wrote this voluntarily for you - to encourage you!)

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