Yes, I'm talking about the Word of God! :) The very book we carry to church weekly; is the book that can impact us daily.

Like a compass, the Bible always points us in the right direction.
Last Saturday; 24th April 2010, we had the "fantastic four" to speak forth the "TEN EFFECTS OF THE WORD OF GOD". Thanks to Siu Fai, Joanna, Daryll & Chia Wen; who, I believe, took the time to analyze the notes & taught us the very long lesson!!
The ten effects of the Word of God are stated below...
1)It produces faith
2)It produces new birth
3)It is nourishment for strength & growth
4)It produces physical healing
5)It is illumination for the mind
6)It produces victory over sin & Satan
7)It produces cleansing & sanctification
8)It is our mirror
9)It is our judge
10)It is a creative force
These are the parts I find interesting:
Effect 4#
The Bible is likened to medicine; yet it is the BEST MEDICINE; because there’s NO HARMFUL EFFECTS of “eating this medicine”. *Proverbs 4:20-22 gives us God’s prescription for healing & good health.
1)Give ATTENTION to My words
2)Incline your ear to My words
3)Do not let My words depart from your eyes
4)Keep My words in the midst of your heart
Effect 8#
The mirror of God’s Word shows us our inward spiritual nature & condition... :)
We can’t see ourselves without a mirror, right? So, God’s Word shows us what we CAN’T see!!
Hope you were blessed; & please do review this lesson!! (For those who attended.
Will see you again for Super Saturday! STAY TUNED ^^

BUCG’s blogger;
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