On 25th April 2009, we started a new series on "Attitude Check". So we had a check out time of the day. =D Each of us shared different opinions and viewpoints about discontentments as well as who we are. Daryll shared 4 ways we think of ourselves...* the way others see us - i call it a "myophic" vision (long-sighted) * the way we think we look like to others - assumption vision
* the way we think we really are - this is called the "hyperopic" view (short-sighted)
* the way we think we would really like to become - the defectless vision!! =D
I wonder how I thought of all these.. ^^ it's all by my own ideas! Daryll also asked a question: "why are most ppl discontented with themselves?" = our CG members brainstormed some ideas.. there are still ppl searching for their identity! In reality most ppl put on masks outside when they're with ppl but when they're on their own, they're totally different!
Joshua - no "self-worth" (in other words, i'm a nobody, i dun feel nice now that i think of LOW SELF ESTEEM! Eunice - peer pressure! I will definitely not stand having a fren forcing me to be someone i'm not meant to be!
Of course, there's insecurity or what is called, "identity crisis" I have no doubt that the media has been a stronghold for teens in recent years` its truly a strong influence i can say!
Who are you? I am a laughaholic xD who is creative, and Su Mei's just like me! (she's more talented in dancing!) Joshua, is a quiet guy, and yeah he's truly random =P We did Finding Ur Roots.. we had a great investigation of scripture and had a great time learning rite?? We also talked about Israel's origin. we learnt that we have to be secure in Christ no matter what, that's the most important thing! Then after CG, we celebrated Crystal and Mun Kit's (didn't mention u earlier, sorry!) birthdays.. Mun Kit is just a day younger than Crystal, unbelievable! Good thing eunice got a carrot cake each for them! haha.. lols!!
the creative corner` (: For fat + thin ppl, Suitel is for U~ Come buy it, you'll SUIT it! (this was done by the girls as a slogan, how interesting!)' This is our innovation of a product designed for discontented weights ppl... HAHA` it's for free size, stretching from a child's size to an adults size... If ure too fat, u can compress it to ur face, body + legs ( transparent, so no one will know u wear it!) thin ppl, inflate it and puff it up. just 250 =P
THE GUYS - they did something i dun reli know how to say.. u need to ask them more.. haha! they wrote all over the place... lol
THANKS TO EUNICE FOR THE PICTURES!-will slowly upload them here for all to see...
It was just on Wednesday when I receive my usual updates from my frontliner!
Yeah, CG meeting is on this week! Thereafter, she sent out another msg,
(She was asking for the stats!)
Do you get shocked when someone asks you how often??
(talking to CG members!)
I WAS...
Let me stress a few points here about journalling, since I love writing!!
1) When you journal, make sure it's for ppl to read in the future.
Share it with your future kids =P
Journal is the IMPRESSIONS of life, DIARY is ur personal viewpoint!
2) Follow our SOAR tactic or method.
S - Scripture
O- Observation
A- Application
R- Response
3) Don't miss out on journalling ~ Try to do it as often as possible!
Remember that`s it's not to PLEASE others!
4) Be accountable to your frontliners so that they can help you become
5) Don't forget to ask God for wisdom to write down whatever He inspires you to write.
EXAMS ARE NEAR! - All the best to everyone! :)
If you need to share anything, send me an attachment or write a paper of what u want to
post here. I need more contributions ppl ~ Thanks! Cya all later`
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! TODAY, it is Edmund Ngor's birthday! :)
He is 16 this year!
Next we have Crystal, whom I also put importance to,
Her 16th birthday will be on the 21st!
Best wishes goes to her! ;)
I'm still looking for pictures of them somewhere to post it here!
I can't wait anymore. This post shall be up before LUNCH`
We want to wish you the best in whatever you do!
Thanks for being part of our lives! =]
Best wishes from:
Below are some potential poets of BUCG - they have a creativity to express themselves thru language ^^
by Michelle
Some salt and sugar when life is bitterA guardian angel who helps you for the betterA chemical that will mix with youA storyteller which is always trueA sweet smile if you ever frownA clown when you're up or downAn umbrella on a rainy dayAn encouragement when you've nothing to sayA treasure more precious than goldYour company when you've a coldA person who never fails to help and loveNothing else but a blessing from above!F.R.I.E.N.D.S.by Alliyza Friends are blessings from above,They shower you with care and with love,Everyday I get even more,But you're one I'll always be thankful for.You turned my darkness into light,With your help I can shine so bright,You've given me the strength and support I need,I'll never go wrong when I follow your lead.When life seems like an endless maze,You'll help me do well and finish the race,Friends are blessings that help you with whatever you do,You're one and I thank God for you!
Yeah, I know I'm supposed to be in bed, tucked in and sleeping,BUT hey, there's nothing else to do now but BLOGGING! :)I go for BLUE, coz BLUE RULES! Yeah anyone of you thinking like me?Thanks to Daryll for adding the pictures in. We shall put more to "beautify" the blog! HAHA! I love the puzzles! ^^ I really need coorporation from the following ppl to send me the pics - Jeanette, Pei Shan, and Daryll. Thanks a lot!
I need someone to also put in a CHATBOX! Make sure u email me 1st to inform me! Mine isn't valid ): Yeah, PLUS! please help me to add in ideas for this blog! Make sure they're not silly ones ~ I dun accept them =P
If anyone of you have any interesting testimonies or life events throughout this month and you want to share it with us, send me the attachment about it and I'll be sure to post it up for everyone to see =]
COOL? Everything's settled for the blog? If u've any enquiries, contact BUCG! If u're a visitor, and u're interested to find out more, send us an email :) Thanks and look forward to greater things to come! FEEL FREE, DON'T BE SHY! *Laughs*
Have a good week!
Miss BUCG Blogger =)
Hear ye people! Welcome to BUCG's blog! We finally have our own :) Yeah, before I start, I would like to thank each one of you for ur support =]I know I couldn't do it on my own - of course God deserves the glory! Thanks, frontliners, for your patience, and for trusting me in this task! I know I've invested my time into something of greater value! (:* To kick off the first post, I shall start with our 1st event,
Friendship Connection Saturday or FCS! =)It was just yesterday when we had that event, at Michelle's house;How amazing it is, the first event of the year having 21 members and visitors!
Yay, we fulfilled our goal of having 20 people in attendance!That was an exciting highlight for each of us. Joshua wins for bringing the most friends!
HAHA!! ^^ WELL, everyone wins coz we took the effort to invite friends!There were 9 visitors and 11 members. We started off with introducing ourselves as usual. PLUS, a random fact! We started games - repeating the same word even if it doesn't make sense =P(HAM! SAUSAGE! >< RAINBOW!)
I can't believe that there were hungry people in our midst, if not, why mention HAM and SAUSAGES? Before we ate, we played the number game - everyone go round saying a number, in order, but when there's 7 or multiples of 7 in the numbers, we have to "CLAP"
Phew, we had our "break time" which was kind of like a dinner for everyone!!
I was also wondering why the photographer came late.
In the end she didn't come.
SORRY PPL.. =( NO PICTURES. But we had fun, didn't we? =D
Oh I'm suppose to mention about the FOOD.
Yup, speghetti, fruit salad, sausages, nuggets, pizza, cookies, and others.
To entertain the visitors, we had this slide n TV about what the easter message is all about.
It first started off with John 1 - and then about EASTER.
The sharing then began after that. :)
AND THEN "WAHHHHH" =P slowly, people left coz it was supposed to end at 6:30 and it was
ALMOST 7! ^^
The party ended with fun, satisfaction and anticipation for more in the future.
To conclude, BLESSED EASTER to everyone!
Hope it brought back memories of the CROSS!
(No easter choc, bunny, egg, haha!) xD"
Have a good week ahead! Looking forward to seeing you all next week! God bless.